Fall is upon us! Can you feel it? The weather is turning, the days are cloudier. Slowly, sweaters are replacing t-shirts and Ugg boots are resurging in their annual bid for dominance among the aisles of Target.
Our drink options are changing, too. Starbucks is setting the trend yet again, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Caramel Apple Spices are officially back on the menu. Coffee lovers everywhere are rejoicing, I am sure. I don't know. I don't drink coffee. I'm more of a tea person, which is probably obvious by now. In the tea world, not a whole lot changes once cooler weather hits. Tea, and masala chai in particular, are often seen as 'cold weather' drinks, and there is nothing wrong with that! I LOVE a good tea/chai in the morning. And midmorning. Afternoon. Evening... bed time. I drink a lot of tea, and fall just puts me even MORE in the mood for a cup. But not for all the same options I always have. Lately, I've been wanting something that reminds me of some fond family memories.
When I was growing up, we visited my grandmother in Ft. Wayne, IN yearly, often in the summer and around Christmas. Some of my favorite memories of these trips were the evening, when we would play games. My grandparents played a game together every single night, and so when we visited our family would sit around the dining room table every evening and battle it out. In the winter, Grandma would often make hot chocolate for us... with a twist. She would pour (not sprinkle, pour) a 'healthy' amount of creme de menthe in the hot chocolate. Probably more than was legally allowable for children if we are being honest, but I didn't mind. It was a pure blast of mint straight into my nostrils as the now-alcoholic hot chocolate almost burned my mouth (but not with heat if you know what I mean). Coughing and weirdly invigorated, my whole head alive and eyes wide open, I would dive into that mug and emerge a brand new kid, suffused in mint and very, very happy.
No, I didn't make alcoholic Midwest Chai (but to be fair, pour some Irish Creme into yours and, voila, delicious adult beverage!) But I tried to make the next best thing with mint. My goal was to make a peppermint hot chocolate, but as a masala chai tea instead, that could still remind me of Grandma. Keep the spices, add the peppermint, see what happens. I believe I managed to do that, and I am so happy with the result! Our new Peppermint Chai has all the spices of our original traditional Masala Chai tea blend, but with the addition of peppermint oil which suffuses into and elevates the spices to new minty heights. Refreshing and curious, our Peppermint Chai will help you welcome in the changing of the seasons. It's perfect as a nightcap or to awake your senses as the first drink of the day. No matter when you make it or how, I hope our Peppermint Chai brings you happiness and maybe some fond memories of your own.
As always, chai your own way!